Authority Session II

In Authority Session II, players attempt to elect a "Leader" while satisfying their own, idiosyncratic, secret interests.

Authority Session II was developed early in the 2016 Presidential Primary as a demonstration of Arrow's Theorem of general possibility. Arrow's Theorem states that for any group of voters with 3 or more options, there exists no voting system by which the ranked preferences of individuals can be converted into the ranked preferences of the entire voting body. In other words, groups faced with complex choices will often make choices that the majority, or perhaps even no one, wanted very much. History unfortunately bore me out on this one.

6-16 players


Session Guide
Deck of 16 unique cards

Download Link

All Sessions are released under the Session License. Downloading a Session constitutes a defacto agreement to this License.


Each Player randomly Takes a Secret Goal and secretly Chooses a Value

Values are Clout, Wealth, and Ideal

In a Dispute Clout will Overcome Wealth Wealth will Overcome Ideal and Ideal will Overcome Clout

Players may Call for a Vote to Elect the Leader at any Time as long as that Vote is Called Publicly

Any Player may Call “Influence” to Change another Player's Vote
Both Players Reveal their Values and the Vote is Changed if the Influencing Player's Value can Overcome the Voting Player's Value

Once a Leader is Elected the Game is Over and the Players who Achieved their Goals have Won