Memories Session I

In Memories Session I, players choose a deck representing a relationship filled with statements such a person might say. In a race to the finish line, they read aloud from these cards, taking a step forward only when they hear a card read that was said to them by someone with which they shared that relationship.

3-6 players


Session Guide
6 unique decks of cards
(Best Friend, Friend of Friend, Friend's Boyfriend,
Roommate [6 Months], Partner [2 weeks], Partner [2 years])

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All Sessions are released under the Session License. Downloading a Session constitutes a defacto agreement to this License.

Memories Session I - photo credit Gregory Geiger


Each Player Chooses a Deck of Cards and Familiarizes themselves with their new Vocabulary

Each Player stands in a Line against a Wall and takes Turns Reading a Card from their Decks

Whenever a Player Hears a Card that Reflects their Experience they take a step forward

The Player who reaches the Other Wall first has Won