Value Session I

In Value Session I, players auction moral principles from decks to the other players for currency, which they then use to buy cards during the other players' auctions, thus accumulating a collection of principles (values). The winner at the end is the player who spent the most during the course of the game.

3-6 players


Session Guide
4 decks of cards
(Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 3, and Lot 4)
Spinner, dice, or other means of randomly determining Lot

Download Link

All Sessions are released under the Session License. Downloading a Session constitutes a defacto agreement to this License.

Value Session I - photo credit Gregory Geiger


Each Player Takes ten Stones

Take Turns with the Spinning Dial, Drawing a card from the corresponding Deck

Auction this Card to the Other Players

You Receive the Bid in Stones from the Winner

Continue taking Turns

Stop at a Pre-Determined Time

Enjoy your Winnings

The Player who Spent the most Wins